Thursday, April 13, 2017

Advocacy Project Purpose, Audience, Modes, and Strategies

I have finally changed and settled on my final idea for my advocacy project. For the remainder of the unit, I will be focusing on the funding of the arts in pubic education, and the important of keeping the non-core classes alive and supported with the proper resources.

New website:

The purpose of this advocacy project would be to raise awareness that the funding of the arts in public schools and universities. I would utilize either video or poster campaign methods to showcase research indicating how important the arts are and also display how reduced funding affects the arts.

The audience of the advocacy project would be everyone who is a citizen and pays taxed. Anyone who sees the campaign could contact local schools/government officials to express their support for the arts. This idea would be expressed within the creative component of the project. Also, personal testimonies of the importance of funding the arts in schools could be utilized to create a connection to everyday audience members.

The modes used in this project will be a short video campaign with an additional poster to go along with the video promoting the idea that funding of the arts is important. The strategies I play to utilize will revolve around emotional connection to the main person in the videos by showing a innocent main character struggle to perform musically or artistically with less resources than necessary. The shock value of seeing an instrument cut in half or an art piece half erased could make a lasting impact on the audience.

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