Monday, April 24, 2017

Revision of RCL Project - Paradigm Shift Essay

During my year long RCL class, I have learned many new communication skills I will utilize throughout life. During the first semester in RCL, I penned an essay about a paradigm shift. For my essay, I chose the paradigm shift of violence in video games. While I originally focused on the main idea of technology improvement, personal psychological impacts, and anti-politically correct movements, I spent less time developing counter arguments throughout the essay. I took the time to make a large revision within the paper in which I addressed several counter arguments through a paragraph. This paragraph was added after utilizing mass shootings as evidence of the impact of violent video games in society.

The paragraph reads "It is also important to note that other compounding factors may exist in the increased number of tragic mass school shootings. Video games may not be related in a direct sense, but the general acceptance by teens and parents highlights a disturbing disregard for violent culture. Furthermore, several games also exist in which the shootings of virtual “innocent” citizens can be murdered in cold blood. If video games have not directly led to the increase in more mass shootings, they have at least popularized the act and increased its widespread prevalence. Once the idea of a mass shooting is spread into people’s memories, it cannot be erased. The concept of mass shootings currently exists and continues to spread through mediums like popular video games, and this action cannot be undone."

This essay was later the framework for a TED talk presentation, which I plan on showcasing within my e-portfolio website. The essay and its revised text will also be included to showcase the evolution of my work from written to oral. 

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Advocacy Project Purpose, Audience, Modes, and Strategies

I have finally changed and settled on my final idea for my advocacy project. For the remainder of the unit, I will be focusing on the funding of the arts in pubic education, and the important of keeping the non-core classes alive and supported with the proper resources.

New website:

The purpose of this advocacy project would be to raise awareness that the funding of the arts in public schools and universities. I would utilize either video or poster campaign methods to showcase research indicating how important the arts are and also display how reduced funding affects the arts.

The audience of the advocacy project would be everyone who is a citizen and pays taxed. Anyone who sees the campaign could contact local schools/government officials to express their support for the arts. This idea would be expressed within the creative component of the project. Also, personal testimonies of the importance of funding the arts in schools could be utilized to create a connection to everyday audience members.

The modes used in this project will be a short video campaign with an additional poster to go along with the video promoting the idea that funding of the arts is important. The strategies I play to utilize will revolve around emotional connection to the main person in the videos by showing a innocent main character struggle to perform musically or artistically with less resources than necessary. The shock value of seeing an instrument cut in half or an art piece half erased could make a lasting impact on the audience.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Advocacy Organization Website

As I enter into the last phase of the semester, I am now on the search for an advocacy project. During my research, I discovered the website for the Advocates to End Domestic Violence. The issue of domestic violence is one such issue that I wish to become an advocate for due to several reasons. Firstly, I never experienced the negative effects of domestic violence, and I want other kids and families to have the same positive home life I had when growing up. Additionally, I believe that domestic violence is an issue that is not talked about as often as it should be, and for this reason, I may want to utilize this topic for my advocacy project.

The website for the Advocates to End Domestic Violence showcases exigence by explaining the urgent need so many families are in right now and debunking several myths/misconceptions about domestic violence. The audience being reached out to is everybody, as this problem can affect anyone. Lastly, several constraints are visible from the sites visuals and text. For example, because this site is probably visited and utilized by actual victims, graphic images of the results of domestic violence that may engage more of the public are left off the site out of respect. Also, the majority of the site is focused on the positive act of supporting the victims, while shying away from how to just stop the abuse.

This site may be my "home" during my advocacy project. However, if another issue sparks my interest more in the next week, I could still switch. I am excited to begin researching and figuring out where I will dedicate my efforts.

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