Monday, January 16, 2017

Riveting Ideas for Exciting New Blogs

Choosing a Topic is Half the Battle

When writing about a specific topic, passion for the subject is an important factor in the writing quality and conviction. At this stage in the writing process, as I seek out new ideas to expand upon, it is important to remember that choosing a topic is half of the battle. Specifically, for challenges such as writing about intimate beliefs, choosing a topic I feel strongly about is going to help me generate thought provoking content in the future. Consequently, I will utilize this week's RCL blog to explore ideas for my "This I Believe" podcast and Civic Issues Blog, and to filter through the most interesting and beneficial topics for me to write about. 

Two Ideas for my "This I Believe" Podcast:
To hold beliefs is to be truly human. In my opinion, deep rooted beliefs is what makes each individual unique from one another while also drawing everyone together. Beliefs allow us to express our innermost ideas with others when revealing our own, and stretch our boundaries when pondering other people's beliefs. For this week, I plan to express several beliefs of mine that I feel strongly about and believe would be an excellent source to share with others.

Currently, I am investigating two ideas to utilize for my "This I Believe" podcast.  Firstly, my belief in myself interests me due to its challenging spin. My belief in myself is not meant to portray arrogance or cockiness, but it is merely meant to indicate a belief that confidence is necessary to keep a positive attitude and achieve difficult goals. My second idea for my "This I Believe" podcast is my belief in isolated time in thought. Normally, I would consider myself an extrovert; however, there have been several times in my life where a lack of self reflection leads to me losing who I would really like to strive to become. Both of these blog ideas would allow me to share my personal journey to reach these beliefs and showcase how they have impacted my life.

Two Ideas for my Civic Issues Blog:

Civic issues plague many current day institutions and subcultures. The effect that civic issues have on political parties in the United States is an example that I am interested in. More specifically, I would like to uncover how party politics plays into American democracy and how civic issues have caused change over time. After taking AP U.S. Government in high school, I believe that this topic would allow me to utilize my prior knowledge to jumpstart deeper into the subject matter and generate more thought provoking posts.

In addition, I believe that current day education suffers from many civic issue controversies, and that continued improvement of this institution has the ability to reduce major problems such as poverty and illiteracy. In many cases, laws regarding public schooling have a direct impact on creating civic confrontations over concepts like affirmative action and liberal art budget cuts. If I were to chose this topic, I would want to cover how these areas of discussion generate argument and investigate ways these may someday be overcome.

Image Credits:
Photo provided by Bruce Aldridge
Photo provided by DonkeyHotey

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